Tuesday, September 2, 2008

House Hunting

We went to Garmisch this past weekend to check the place out, get a feel for where we would want to live, look for houses, apartments to stay in while we look for houses and most importantly, climbing! We saw a couple of houses that were very nice but I don't know if they will be big enough for us, we're such a big family you know? Pretty soon! There are so many beautiful houses in the area in that awesome Bavarian style, we just hope we can find something big enough, with a yard and some spare bedrooms for all of you all! And maybe a garage for a climbing wall...

Although its going to be a big change for sure, and sad in many ways, we are both pretty excited to move to such a beautiful place and explore things around there. Starting a new chapter in life. Or maybe just a new section. I think the new chapter is coming in Feb.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Those pictures look so beautiful. Looks like you guys are moving so an awsome place. I'm so happy for you guys. Is there climbing on the massive cliffs behind Frank in one of the pictures? Good luck finding a new house. I'm sure that you guys will find something soon. Well, I miss you guys and can't wait until we can all hang out again. Keep climbing hard.

