Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Washington DC Trip!

Two weeks ago, Frank, Cooper and I took our first trip since moving back to the states! I had to go to Arlington, VA for 3 days of training, so we made it a family trip as well and all flew together. I was fearful of the plane ride with a 14 month old, but, he was perfect. I nursed him to sleep as we taxied out, and woke him up when we were ready to get off the plane in Dulles. Our drive to the hotel was not as perfect. We left the GPS accidently, so were left to using the few maps I printed online, and missed our highway exit and got stuck in traffic, taking us at least 30 mins extra to get to the hotel. Oh well.

Each day we managed to see something on the mall, and then each night we managed to meet up with friends in Old Town for dinner which was great. We had a picnic by the reflecting pool which Cooper loved, did the Natural History Museum, and even had time to climb at the gym for two hours. Unfortuantely, we didn't get to meet up with everyone we would have liked to! We know so many people in DC now!

Unfortunately, Cooper was sick the whole time we were there with a cold/allergies/cough, and finally I got him in to a doctor to find out he has another ear infection and either asthma or allergies, so 3 more prescriptions! Poor guy. It hasn't been easy for him the last 2 months! He slept so well the night we finally got him on medicine.

Flying back worked out just as great. We stopped at a park to let Cooper play, ate at a brewery close to the airport, then he fell asleep as we took off and didn't wake up till we landed. Perfect. It was a nice break up from routine. We took some pictures on our travel camera, and I will get those up soon!

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