Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend in Garmisch

This Memorial Day weekend, we decided pretty last minute to head down to Garmisch. We found a Guesthouse in Grainau called the Riffle Riss. Do not stay there if you ever visit Grainau. The owners were so darn rude and their idea of an apartment for 5 was a one bedroom with a couch... I was worried traffic would be terrible, but we managed to make it down there in just 3 hours without much traffic problems at all! Lucky. We also really lucked out on the weather.

Saturday, we visited town, rode the sommerrodelbahn, ate wurst, drank beer, and I took Cooper swimming at the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort Pool while Frank and Tania went with our friend Horst to climb shortly at a nearby crag. We had a great time, and it was Family night, so they had bouncy castles, race cars, free Popsicles, music, games, prizes, and lots more. Cooper had a fantastic time. Although, the evening went south when we didn't eat dinner until after 8 and Lily and Cooper were too exhausted to cope... Crying ensued. Frank and I vowed to get them to bed early (by 8) the next night in order to avoid the stress. So, Sunday, we took it easy. We drove to Fussen and dropped Tania off to see the castles. Most of the pictures below are taken from her iPhone! Thanks Tania!! The last 2 only are mine. I didn't capture any and didn't have my phone or a camera :( Frank and I did another kids park place with Cooper, riding the sommerrodelbahn down the mountain, walking through a freezing cold therapy pool, and playing at the playground. Cooper fell in the water and stripped completely naked, but loved every moment of it. And Monday, Frank and Tania and Horst went to China Wall in Austria. I stayed back with Cooper and Lily... I didn't want to be stressed out about Lily getting a nap, carrying them up the steep hike, or worrying about rock fall all just for probably 2 routes I would do. So, I haven't climbed in over 3 weeks now. What was a priority in my life has now become the occasional occurrence. But, most of the time I am okay with that. I know that when the kids are older it will get easier. Just miss that time with Frank mostly. We barely have an hour in the evening to unwind with us both working full time, coming home to the kids, making dinner, and getting them to bed. Cooper, Lily, and I went to a park, a walk, and played at the hotel and enjoyed ourselves. Always enjoy having one on one time with them. Cooper jumped on the bed forever and learned to do flips! He has about 6 cuts and bruises on his legs right now from all of his "tricks". Yes, we have a daredevil on our hands who is really getting pretty darn coordinated. I wouldn't even attempt half the things he does!

And for the time being, the Byron family is getting pretty good sleep. Better than it has been in a while. Frank now puts Lily to bed and wakes with her in the night the one or two times she wakes, and gives her a bottle. In her crib!! Yes, folks, we are determined to have Lily be a good sleeper and love her crib, and so far, it is working. She is a happy, sweet baby. Smiles so big whenever I see her and loves to be talked to and try to chat back. Love this stage.
More to come!

The Bavarian Alps

The Zugspitz

Kurpark, Garmisch

Frank climbing at Hanger

China Wall

Swinging at the Hotel Playground

Taking an evening walk

Our Guesthouse in Grainau

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