Monday, September 14, 2009

Busy Busy

Hi everyone,
It seems its been eons since I have posted. Ever since I got into the swing of this job I have been non stop on the go. If I'm not travelling, I'm recovering from travelling, getting ready for the next trip, and enjoying every minute of being at home with Cooper and Mandy and the pups and doing stuff not on the Internet.

But as the last post mentioned, we are in for a big change. Its going to be a hell of a ride, but when we get there I know we all will breathe a huge sigh of relief. Not that we want to get out of Germany really bad, just the logistical nightmare and stress of this move will not be missed. While I have been travelling around to all these backwoods Army bases, Mandy has been sorting out so many things we have to take care of before we hit the road. This has included but not limited to: selling all of our German appliances, selling a car (the Army only pays to ship one), getting the house rented, paying all the final vet bills, tcom bills, getting the cars cleaned for shipping and selling, packing up, and all the while taking care of the Man! (Cooperman). Needless to say, my wife is amazing. Once all of us are on US soil in Chicago, I think I am going to kiss the disgusting airport floor.

I'm in Ft. Pickett Virginia right now, and for all of you who have no idea where that is, its in the middle of nowhere Virginia. About 45 min southwest of Richmond. At least I got a good session in at the gym in Richmond before heading down here. I may have to go back up today to get some decent food and have another workout. The week before I was in Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin, which admittedly wasn't that bad, for being gone for work thousands of miles away from my family, because there was a pretty good climbing crag just a half an hour away from our hotel.

But next week, I am finally HOME! Aaaah time to relax... WRONG! Time to finish packing, move the dogs and baby into the hotel, drive the car to Grafenwoehr to be shipped and board the plane back to the states! Woo hoo! Keep it coming. Non stop fun baby.

Well, no time to waste here, going to Skype with Mandy and Cooper and then get out and do something to enjoy my weekend. Just wanted to check in and post something since its been so long.

Oh, a couple more things. Congratulations Nate and Dawn! Really sorry we couldn't make the wedding. I'm sure it was an amazing time. Enjoy your honeymoon, and enjoy the rest of your life together. And to ALL of our great friends in Germany we are leaving, we have enjoyed our time here with you immensely, thank you so much and see you in Kentucky or when we come back to Europe!


Climbing at Chinesische Mauer, one of the best cliffs ever.

Cooper and the dogs are buddies, of course.

Bad hair day for the boys.

Maybe not the best chew toy.


  1. Frank - best of luck to you and Mandy during your move! We wish you both could have made it to the wedding - it was a great time! Thank you for the congratulations! We're going to miss you guys and wish we could have hung out a bit more while you were here in Germany. Hopefully the move isn't too stressful for you guys and everything goes smoothly (haha! right! ;) ) I look forward to reading the blog and getting a peak at your new lives in Kentucky! Stay in touch!

    PS - love the bad hair day picture :)

  2. I can't wait for you guys to come back! Be safe and let me know when you will be by. You can crash at our place over night if you don't want to get straight on the road. We have an extra mattress. PS, this is Tina signed in as Aaron :)

  3. You guys will be missed! I can't believe you are going back to the states before me! Please keep up with your blog so I can see more pics of your adventures.

    Keep in touch and have fun in the USA!

  4. I can't wait to see you guys, but will miss reading about your exciting adventures! Once you get all settled in we need to get together with the kiddos. Safe travels!

