Thursday, October 29, 2009

Back in Kentucky

We have not posted in almost 2 months! But, for a good reason! We moved back to Kentucky!

I have to say it is so good to be home. Being away for so long really made me realize how much I love this state, and how much I love all our friends and family! It is so nice to have them all around and to be back here for fall which is amazing right now. The colors are just beautiful. Not to mention plenty of people to climbing with at the Red which has been awesome! We have been down there as much as possible which hasn't been that much but soon enough when we get settled.

Moving back here of course was an epic task. And although it was fun in many ways, it was also very stressful and almost everything that could go wrong, was going wrong before the move. For instance:

- I developed a horrible allergic rash all over my butt from the bathtub
- Cooper decided to make all naps as difficult as possible for a while and wake up every night about every 2 hours
- We owed 175 euros for paint on the house for stuff we didn't even do
- I didn't get to get our deposit back until the day we flew
- A ferret chewed the engine coolant wires on our rental car and I had to pay
- The movers broke a window in the house and I had to pay 120 euros
- I had to work until the day before we flew
- Mom somehow tore her meniscus in her knee
- We couldn't get our deposit back from our house until the last day and had to come home with all those Euros we now have to exchange!
- the movers packed up our camera!!


And I could go on. However, the good parts are

- the dogs made it home safe and sound
- mom and I got to fly business class with Maya and Cooper which was great!
- Everyone on the plane loved Maya and Cooper and helped carry him around
- We have family and friends here to help us!
- We bought a new car! A Toyota 4Runner that we love.

Right now, Frank and I are searching all the time for a new home to buy. We have looked at about 20. So, we are staying in a hotel near 75 to make my commute 35 minutes vs 1 hour and then stay at his parents house on the weekends. The house hunting is not easy because we have some strange requirements:

- We need or at least would like a very tall garage for our treadwall (12 feet). Yes, I said treadwall. Frank bid on it the day he landed in the US and drove up to Michigan to pick it up 2 weekends ago!
- We need a decent yard, or a park very close by for the dogs.
- We need a walk out yard because Maple is getting so old the stairs are hard for her.
- We need to be within a 35 min commute distance to my work that is south of Richmond, KY.

Other than that, we just want a nice spacey house for all our stuff we have accumulated somehow over the years. Hopefully we'll have good news on that soon.

Cooper news! Cooper is doing great. We are lagging very behind on pictures so I feel bad about that. He is so precious. Smiles and laughs so much and loves to cuddle and play games, especially peek a bo. He started pulling up to standing a few weeks ago, and now crawls on his knees and is into everything. He has 2 new teeth on top keep threatening to poke out. He used to only take naps in his swing, now he is pretty hooked on stroller or car ride naps... Movement.

Anyhow, I guess we will need to change our blog name now that we live in the Bluegrass state instead of Bavaria. Hopefully we'll have some time again soon to blog!


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