Monday, March 15, 2010

The Big 30!

Can't believe my twenties are over! Last weekend we did the celebrating. Friday, the skies were crystal clear, but the temps were still a bit fresh, so I didn't want to take Cooper out climbing. Instead, my friend Laura headed up to Cincinnati with me to go to the Cincinnati zoo! We met up with my mom and Abdul (exchange student) for zoo festivities. We enjoyed being outside in the sun, but, we hardly saw any animals! They were all inside hibernating I suppose, or their cages were being renovated. I am always so excited to go see the animals, but leave feeling quite depressed. They seriously need to improve the Cat House habitat. The cages are just way too small. The worst in my opinion at the whole zoo. Cooper's favorite part about the zoo was pushing his stroller. I don't even know if he noticed the animals! But, he had a grand time anyhow.

Saturday was a gorge family day. It was perfect out, 60s and we didn't even have to wear coats. I got in 4 climbs which is also pretty good for me these days. I am in about the worst shape for climbing I have been in since I started the sport unfortunately and am finding it hard to train/motivate myself with how little time I have. So, when I was asked what I want for my birthday and offered free babysitters for a date, I of course asked for a climbing day with Frank alone!

Sunday, after putting Cooper down for his first nap, Frank and I escaped to the Gorge alone! It was amazing. We went to "Military Wall", just like the old days before we got married, and I hopped on some old classic favorites. I had to hang all over them, but it was still very fun. Cooper had fun playing with his cousins all day while we were gone, and then that evening, my parents came down and we got together for dinner out with the Byron family for a big dinner and cake. Perfect Birthday.

My mom took lots of photos and so did Frank's dad, so we'll have to get some of those to post on this blog.

This past weekend we had two more birthday parties and Frank's is coming up next. The weather changed right back to winter on us, bleak and rainy, but we did get out for our family gorge day on Friday. Met some fellow climbing parents on vacation from Quebec with 2 little ones (a three year old and 9 month old). Always makes me feel inspired/relieved/comforted to see other parents with their kids at the crag. It is doable! And maybe with our two dogs along with us, we'll scare some of the crowds away ;)

ps. sorry the picture quality isn't the best, I messed up the blog template!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 30th! See, the world didn't end :) It will only get better for you guys!
